Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Tribute to a Mother

After two and a half hours of a pounding heart and the score 0-0, penalty kicks were inevitable. This Saturday was the first round of Conference Tournament and the game ended with no score. The competition continued on into two over-times ending the same.

There was a low turn out of spectators; so, on the bleachers to my right were the Montreat fans and to my left were the opposing fans. The pressure was high and emotions were running ragged as we all cheered for the team we thought should win. After the first fourth of the game, I started talking to one of the mothers from the opposing team. Like every mother, she wanted the win for her son and like every coach's wife, I wanted the win for my husband. It was also inevitable that one of us would walk away disappointed.

The intensity increased as we moved into each over-time, penalty kicks (pk), and then to individual penalty kicks. As the pk score came to 3-1 (Montreat with the advantage), the mother by me mentioned her son was up for the final kick. She then said that once before he had been in the same position, where he missed the kick.

While feeling torn for this mother, I prayed for Howard, our goalie. I asked the Lord, "Guide his hands and may Your angels guard the goal." I had prayed this with every shot, but this one was different. One college would continue in season and the other would have to be content with the loss.

My eyes teared up, emotional that we were about to win but anxious that we could be the ones done. The Lord has been reminding me that we need to be content with all circumstances (with the tournament and elections near...). This brought on new meaning today.

With the final two shots, the lady's son missed and our fourth player stepped out on the field scoring the fourth pk. Montreat had won.

After a few minutes, the mother and I exchanged names. She finally asked who I was. A little hesitant, I mentioned, "I'm the Montreat coach's wife."

She simply told me to tell my husband, "You coached a good game." The lady walked away saying she'd look for me at the next game. Her son had lost the last shot and she had sent a message of encouragement to the other coach. Goodness knows that she was full of disappointment. Just a continued reminder to myself and others, make the most of the moment but regardless of the circumstances, never give up on the One who knows all.


momof4dragons said...

BDB (and Kel) congrats on the win!!! We couldn't wait to hear the outcome. Oh! How we wish we could've been the ones sitting next to you on the bleachers. Is the next game Thursday?...I think that's what I heard. We're praying for you Buddy, you too Kel (it's sometimes harder sitting on the sidelines, huh?) and for your players. Love you much!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I miss you! I wish we could have gotten to hang out more when you were in college and I wish we could hang out now! You are such a neat woman of God that I admire so much! Brenton is a lucky man! Now that I am a wife, I am definitely taking notes from you! You are amazing!! I love reading what you write on your blog and seeing your constant positive attitude about everything, and how you are so dedicated to and always put your husband first, after God, of course. Anyway, loved the post! Blessings!

About Brandon said...

Cool thoughts, Kelbel! If only that mom could read your post!
Love ya!

Your sis

B said...

nice writing sis! good coaching brenton! I never thought i would see the day that my sis would be an awesome coaches wife. It is the first time the thought of a minivan pulling up with "soccer mom" sticker on the back window and the sliding door open and kids in soccer uniforms jumping out might actually fit Keldog! you go sis.

PS. if the team ever gets to that place in a game again, my suggestion is that Brenton has an extra jersey and wig so that he can substitute into the game incognito and set things right.

Kelly Benware said...

Thanks for all your support guys! We love and miss you. Congrats on the wedding Anne and it would have been fun to hang out more! Brother, I love your thoughts on the wig for Brenton, but the minivan soccer mom, with the sticker on the car...I don't know about that!!!