Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ride, Swing, Smile: A Baby's Joy Ride

Today was Riley's first day at the park.  Daddy had an away game so the girls took a stroll.  Riley leaned forward, curious about the world, as all our walks begin.  After a while she lounged back in her stroller, until we came across the big play structure with twirling slides, multiple levels and colorful gadgets.  Ms. Sleepy woke out of her groggy state real quick.  She leaned forward again, her little head bobbling, as we off-roaded toward the swings.  The smell of acorns and feel of fall greeted us as we crunched across last year's dead leaves.  As soon as I put that presh doll in her swing she began to giggle and smile so big.  Her innocent giggles floated along the breeze and away we went, swinging and sliding forward; as you can tell we are still a bit small for the swing.  But, oh boy, was it fun for both mom and daughter!

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