Athletic Banquet
This years athletic banquet went three and a half hours... some how I always forget how long these occasions are! The guys' soccer team picture is above, minus Howard who passed and Shaka who is now playing professional soccer in Puerto Rico. We are so proud of all these guys!
Oh, and last weekend... Brenton saw his first wild black bear. We had some friends over to our house Saturday evening that hopped out of their car and said there was a mama bear and her cubs just down our drive. We headed down and apparently, the guys caught the mama with a rabbit (one Brenton and I had previously named, "Buddy") before heading into the woods. By the time us girls got down the drive, the mama came back out and crossed the road behinds us to her little cubs. They were beautiful, but I am more than thankful I was in a car! And funny enough the guys got out of their cars... who does that?!