Saturday, September 29, 2012

Off to a Great Start

Here is this year's men's soccer team at University of the Cumberlands.

The men's soccer team is off to a good start!  They are 5-1-1.  And I believe they are ranked 33 in the country for NAIA.  Either way, I'm proud of the guys.  They are working hard and the have a great coach.  Love you babe.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Season Has Begun!

The University of the Cumberland's Men's Soccer Team has started season.  Yeah!  The first game was away and we beat Bryan College 2-1.  To follow soccer updates, just as last year, you can follow the soccerball updates to the right side of the blog.  As season gets into swing, I'll try to update the "Soccer Team" page, you can find this by clicking on their tab, just under the blog title.

The next game is a home game tomorrow.  Cheer us on!

Also, I added a Riley update on the "Mom Blog" for church.  To catch up on our handful you can click here

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Help Us Vote!

Please go to the "Mom" blog and vote on your favorite "Awkward Mom Moment".  We are having a contest with a few of the moms from our group for a bag of baby food.  We need your unbaised votes!

We are doing well.  Brenton's team comes in this week for pre-season training and he is beginning to get sleepless!  That's when I know it's soccer time. 

Riley and I are having fun times too.  Riley is starting to say her name and all the other animal sounds I thought she never really took in.  She is saying new words right and left these days. 

She has also taken on crawling onto things and jumping; she is her dad's child.  The latest was when she belly flopped off the couch onto the bumbo seat without warning.  We have a daredevil on our hands! (This is a bumbo seat, below, incase you were wondering!)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Blog

Hey moms & family.  I've started a new blog for moms as I've been asked to help begin a mom's program at church.  I'll be updating the following blog more frequently than our personal blog.  Please become a "FOLLOWER" of a new blog!  We'd love input and involvement from others.
(What to Expect:  Coupons, Crafts, Stories, Give-Aways, & Reciples)

Monday, May 21, 2012


Gibberish, baby talk, call it what you want!  All I know is that this is the most precious child ever.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Growing Like a Weed

We are loving spring and this beautiful weather, though it seems more like summer since it has been warm for a while now.  Riley is growing like a week, nearing a year and a half.  Brenton has kept busy with soccer, one of his great loves.  And the college guys are nearing graduation.  Poor Brenton, very soon he is going to loose some of his volleyball teammates until Fall.  Really not much new to share.  We are living fully and doing well.  Happy spring.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Walk at the Park

Warm weather is here!  Riley is getting a tan with all this sun, though you can't tell by these pictures.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pigtails and Little Sicky

Our happy-go-lucky gal got truly sick for the first time this week.  We came home after church to a baby that slept all afternoon, until we left for dinner at small group.  The normal, curious smiley face, was a mellow, cuddly baby all night and ended up with a fever.  After reaching a 105.2 temp on Tuesday morn, the doctor said they would see her.  We found out she has the flu and an ear infection.  Poor little gal!

She is so sleepy and cuddly, which we love.  But I wish it could all be a result of a healthy, sick-free child.

We are doing well and we are busy.  We have been entertaining or helping entertain quite a bit lately.  About every weekend for the last month, I've spent time baking for church.  And, at the end of last week, we were able to host a meal for the men's soccer team.  It's always a pleasure to get to know them guys better and Riles loves the extra attention.  We even stopped by a few of Daddy's practices this last week; Riley was enthralled with the ball bouncing around and guys running every which way.  After practice, she went crazy walking around the indoor gym, having never seen a space so large to run in.  That's about all on our end... we are still here!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another 1st...

This is Riley's first piece of artwork, from Sunday School.  I'm glad I'm not the one who had to clean up the finger paint with this wiggle monster!  Riley is walking like crazy.  She has a pair of squeaky shoes given to us by a neighbor and she walks around stomping.  Our church is so small that Brenton and I heard her stomping downstairs at the end of our church service today... I'm assuming during clean up duty after finger painting.

Baby girl is just about a year and two months.  She loves dancing, music and is still a pretty happy girl, aside from the molar trying to break through her gum.  Poor girl is out of sorts and without much of a schedule these days.  The normal sippy of milk is no good, rather used for a teething excercise.

Riley is learning things almost daily.  She loves all her toys with special features, her favorite being electronics.  We can now unlock daddy's droid by dragging the screen down and move icons to locations even daddy has trouble finding.  It is all too precious.  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Photo Shoot

 We began our Valentine photo shoot as a nurse.  Something along the lines of "I hear you're in need of a little something sweet, just as the doctor ordered..." 

and ended the shoot with a sweet, girly picture.  The perfect solution for any card! 
Happy Valentines Day.

We are doing well.  Everyone is keeping busy in our family and Lexi is currently snoring.  Life is pleasant and we are content.  I don't have much of an update but that we are good, and that we are staying up too late before church tomorrow morning.  But, thankfully, Sunday's are for naps; right?!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Believe it or not, our little gal is 1 year old!  We love her more each day and are so proud of our family.  Our little cookie monster is walking, falling, bruising, laughing, and getting back up again for the next round!  She is full of joy and the delight of our day, the center of our conversations.  Yes, we need to be care to not let her take the Lord's place, but we are just so grateful for our gift that came to us one year ago.

God is continuing to show Himself to us in many ways, though continuing to stretch us greatly; our life story.  We are thankful and blessed starting 2012.  Riley Grace and the Lord's faithfulness has given me a new outlook on the drab start of each new year.  I like focusing on the blessings rather than resolutions.  Not so daunting and MUCH more motivating. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mission Impossible 4

Brenton's and my favorite movie currently.  If you like action, it's a must see.  B has seen it twice in theaters already and can't wait to buy it.  Just sayin'...