Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Lil' Willow (Part II)

As the storm raged on, Lil’ Willow noticed a small round critter moving in the distance. As it scurried closer, he saw it was a young lone ground hog. Willow greeted his friend with the wave of a branches and invited him under his cover. Baby ground hog’s eyes grew wide and he wobbled faster. In no time, baby ground hog had curled up in a tight ball, right against Lil’ Willow’s trunk. He chattered about all the water in his underground world and finding himself above ground, hoping no large birds would spot his movement to cover. “The wa-wa-water was so c-cold and I didn’t know what to do,” Baby ground hog shuttered.

Lil’ Willow comforted baby ground hog by drawing his branches closer and closer, providing full cover from any unwanted attention. And suddenly, out of no where, a familiar squirrel started squeaking into the drip, drop, drip, drop of the storm. “I found myself in these hills and all of a sudden the rain came. I was so frightened until I remembered you let me run up and down your trunk and branches a few days ago Lil’ Willow. Would you mind if I joined you; just one more day, please?!”

And the high-pitched squirrel quieted down upon the rustle of Li’ Willow’s leaves, finding a cozy crevice where the branches met Willow’s trunk. She twirled in a few circles to make her bed just right, waggling her puffy tail and fondly nuzzling Lil’ Willow’s trunk. She squeaked out a muffled, “Owe you” as her eyes slid shut.

And then, for a brief moment, a ray of hope shone through the clouds and Willow’s leaves sprung up with delight, whistling, “Hello” to the great Light. The wind picked up Lil’ Willow’s longest branch in one swift motion and Lil’ Willow waved a jubilant greeting to his greatly missed friend. Ironically, Lil’ Willow realized he had not been so lonely after all. In such a gloomy situation, he’d made four new friends; all still comforted by his presence.

“Greetings,” the loud bass of the great Light rumbled.

Lil’ Willow’s young voice replied, “I missed you Great Light! More than you will know.”

The Great Light delayed in reply as He tenderly said, “Son, I missed you too. You have no idea how much it means to me that you noticed our distance. I was lonely for you.”

Puzzled Lil’ Willow whispered to himself, “Why would the Great Light be lonely too; He is always warm, bright and He can see all things.”

The great Light heard Lil’ Willow and responded, “Lil’ Willow, why would I not be any more lonely than you; you are just a beautiful as all the other great things I see. I do not like to be separated by any of you lovely visions, as my soul longs for you. And what good is my light if is kept from those who need it most? My desire is for all of you to know and experience my joy!”


Olivia said...

Wow Kelly! That was beautiful. You are so creative! I didn't know you liked to write.

I miss you already dear sis. Thank you so much for letting us come visit. Hope to see you again very soon! Love you!

Kelly Benware said...

We loved having you guys!! Miss you.

About Brandon said...

Good writing, Kelbel! Now you need to go publish a kid's book!!!
