Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Morning!

A wiggle of the head and a squinting of the eyes; "It's morning!"  How about a good stretch before the games break loose, a lift of the legs and a long, slow arching of my back.  I'm off... kick, kick, kick, flailing of the arms, kicking incessantly, and an intermingling of baby talk. 

"If only I could last all morning, oh but my eyes are getting sooo heavy."  Then begins the sucking of the thumb, and the inevitable happens.  A morning doze.

"Am I dreaming?  Oh, nope, I feel something."  Eyes slit open and brows crease before another long stretch.  "It's mommy!  I know that face and voice.  Yeah!!!  It's time for breakfast."  Lifting my legs to help, that diaper's been on way too long.  "Yuck!"

Nothing like being clean, full, and a good cuddle... but that patting is going to put me to sleep again.  "Oops, there goes a burp."  Buddies, I missed my lambie and elephant blankies!  "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, I LOVE play time."  A slow big smile emerges and off to the races again, but this time with her pals.  Kick, kick, kick, flail, flail, flail.

Riley Grace with lambie on the left and purple elephant to the right

1 comment:

Chelle said...

So cute! Love it :)