Friday, December 2, 2011

A Few Questions

Any insight is appreciate:
  • How does one pronounce "Worcestershire" sauce?

  • Is it normal to wait at the Pediatritian's office 1hr and 45minutes, as seems to be the norm for Riley's pediatrician?

  • Will Riley really notice Christmas lights in her room at 11 months or should I just wait for next year?

  • Why was "Drew" taken off of X-Factor?  (She is the one I'd buy a cd from.)

  • Does anyone know the perfect room temp to keep one's place warm enough for the baby but not so hot you can't sleep at night?


JJ said...

Can't answer any of the normal questions and I don't have a clue about the W sauce. When I say it I slur everything together really fast and hope no one will notice.

I do NOT think it's normal to wait 1 hr and 45 min. Especially if there's not a healthy and sick space for the kiddos. I can't keep my brood quiet for 15 min so almost 2 hours would be a killer for me.

Ditch the Christmas lights. Simplify and make your life good. If it pleases you, do it. If it's for her, wait a year.

Never watched X Files. I'm of absolutely no use to you.

We always kept things at 72 when the girls were little. Of course, now that it's even colder outside we're trying to acclimate and have moved it down to 68 with blankets on the bed. Eventually we'll have everyone going Eskimo-style and stop using heat at all, living off of burning body fat and the heat of our breath. (Or.... we'll keep it around 70 forever.)

Kelly Benware said...

Thanks JJ! I'd still be debating lights in Riley's room, and considering is our pediatrician worth it. I guess I just imagine everyone having to wait a while; maybe it's just a negative of living in a small town!