Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stamps of Approval

The Lord has continued to provide. Today we were venturing out into the world of garage sales, to find a t.v., when out landlord called Brenton over to his shop. Mr. Wright had no idea what our afternoon plans consisted of when he told Brenton he needed help carrying something. He continued on to say that he had a large t.v. he no longer wanted sitting in his shop. This generous man simply wanted to loan it to us! So Brenton and two other gentleman carried this answer to pray over to our basement. We now have our media room!

Yet another blessing; I have landed on a job. I had been interviewing with a few organizations and recieved two offers in the last few days. It has not even been two weeks since we moved to North Carolina and the Lord provided in abundance. While the Lord is always faithful, I also owe much gratitude to both my family and the Benwares who have prayed faithfully on my behalf. I have accepted a position at Billy Graham's Training Center at the Cove. I will be helping proof read, research and put together the seminar booklets that those attending The Cove will recieve. What an amazing opportunity to be a part of this ministry. It is more than evident that we are where the Lord wants us for now; these stamps of approval have definitely been reassuring of that.


Maria Purviance said...

glad everything is working out for you guys!

momof4dragons said...

Even though NC seems like the other side of the world, and it was hard to let you guys go, we're SOOO excited for you. We've been praying for you this past couple of weeks for strength, sleep, guidance, sleep, wisdom, sleep....You get the picture. Love you and miss you, Claud

Kelly Benware said...

Thanks guys!!!