Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nature's Finest

The story begins with a gorgeous sunset laced with trees and framed by mountains. Brenton and I have been taken with the landscape daily. We love spending time on our sweet porch in the evenings and Lexy loves to run free. Who doesn't love freedom? We've taken time to hike up Look Out Mountain and browse around Montreat's moonlit campus. Every morning begins with a drive in the mountains and every evening ends with the sunset.

We are just waiting for a black bear sighting now. We have heard numerous stories about the black bears coming out in Montreat, Black Mountain and Swannanoa. A few days before I started work at The Cove, a black bear circled around our administrative building. I've also driven by a wild turkey and her babies a number of days. Just yesterday, I had a fawn following on my way to The Cove's gate house. He was precious and skittish; which way do I go? Half the time I can't figure it out myself, the poor deer!

Our goal for the weekend, when Brenton is not involved with pre-season, is to make another homemade Blackberry Pie. The best ever; that is if you add a crumb topping! Last weekend, we found endless amounts of blackberry bushes on Montreat's Black Mountain campus. We collected a small tub full and barely made a dent in the load of bushes. Sadly our pickings are getting few. Brenton said the sun is now drying the ripe fruit out. We'll see what's left.

And for the Grand Finale of "Nature's Finest", a dog with diapers. Lexy has begun her first heat which, we learned today, will last for three weeks. Amazing, but not in terms one would wish for! We woke up on Sunday morning to find our poor girl shaking; it was all too new, for her and for us. So, after church, we made a stop by Pet Smart to get doggie diapers that are outrageously priced. And boy are we in for fun. The XL diapers won't fit our half grown lab. It's time to clean, clean and clean. Thankfully, we have found true entertainment in the diaper pictures; the ladies at The Cove surely had a good laugh during a mid-week break.

1 comment:

momof4dragons said...

Boy! Do we miss you all. I'm so excited to hear just how much you love NC. Buying Lexi diapers might be the best birth control you've come across--you'll realize just how pricey little ones can be...but aren't they wonderful!!! We missed you all this weekend at the wedding, but you were thought of A LOT. The kids kept asking where you all were. We honked as we passed the Bartlesville sign. Love you all lots. Claudia