Thursday, May 10, 2007

Close to a Great Year

This single post is meant to compile all the amazing memories made with our friends at OWU during the 2006-2007 school year; we'll see how well this can be concluded in such few words. Saturday, of this past weekend, was a time of goodbyes and congratulations as we watched many of the campus leaders walk on stage to received their diplomas and pack up in order to move on to new destinations. We are excited to see that our friends, RAs, and soccer players have accomplished so much. However, we have not enjoyed all the necessary farewells.

Thanks to these many wonderful students, we have come to realize how blessed we are able and were able to invest in them. It is neat to live in a community where so many students strive to glorify the Lord. One of those tremendous testimonies was given by Woo Ram, who came from South Korea. Woo Ram shared what OWU brought to his life at commencement; I'd almost go so far as to say there may not have been one dry eye in the room after his speech was concluded. (Woo Ram's is the one on the bottom right of the soccer picture). As we close out this year and begin preparing for the next, it is an honor to think of working with a new group of leaders and to continue on with those we have already built relationships. (The pictures below include a number of Brenton's soccer players, Kelly's RA's, and other friends.)

Staci, Megan, Kassy, & Kelly

Ashley's Bridal Shower

Trip to Paris...

The Hippest Table at Spring Banquet

OWU Men's Soccer Guys


B said...

Kel Dizzawg! I love the blog and the pictures!!! you are definitely the coolest and cutest couple at OKWU! I miss you guys. Looks like you are turning into miss outdoors with the help of Brenton. We'll just start calling you Xena warrior prin.... ahhhh just kidding!!! Love ya sis. Thanks for updating this and letting me see pics!

Kelly Benware said...

Brothaman -

I can't tell you how excited I was to see your comment! I love and miss you a ton. I guess I'll let you can call me Xena if you think I'm that hip. I love checking your blog out and keeping up with you.

Email me a day or so in advance if you are ever able to call and talk for a little.

Love you - Kel