Friday, September 28, 2007

Starting Over

There is something about Fall that makes me feel as if life is just beginning, again. It could be that this is the start of a new year on our college campus, as it is on many others. Maybe it's that all of creation signifies there is a time to change. Trees are changing colors, the air is new, fresh and breezes are becoming cool. For all the reasons above and more, I honestly feel a bit renewed.

One of my (Kelly) favorite verses is Psalms 143:8, as you may have already noticed from the bottom of our blog.

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul."

Psalms 143:8

The reason this verse has been close to my heart is because it reminds me that every morning Christ allows me to start over. No matter how terrible my attitude was the day before or how many times I messed up in the past week, I am given a clean slate every morning. "Morning brings word of His unfailing love!" Life cannot get any more hopeful than this. Of course it doesn't make since why the King of creation gives us so many chances, but the fact remains. He does. Christ rejoices in new beginnings and seeing His children renewed in Him.

It is only a simple guess, but I truly believe that this is one blessing of Fall. Christ is reminding us that there is a time to change. Why not choose to make the effort, putting all else behind us and starting fresh? "Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."


Anonymous said...

Great thots! I tend to get sad thinking that fall is ushering in a long winter. Instead, you see it as a new beginning. I like that!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Great thots! I tend to get sad thinking that fall is ushering in a long winter. Instead, you see it as a new beginning. I like that!
Love ya,

About Brandon said...

When are you going to publish your book Kelly? You need to because we both think you're a great writer!


Brandon & Jen