Someone is going through her "Terrible Twos"! Quite often, Brenton and I find ourselves recieving the, "huh?!" look. It would not matter if we were saying "Come here", "Good job", or "No". Lexi seems to think that all our words are void of meaning, or should I say she pretends as if she does not hear a word we are saying. Now I know we do not have a deaf dog, and I know that ever word is registering by the look on her face. It's all too amusing; the rolling eyes, whines, bored looks, pouty attitude, and the ignoring of every word she hears.
What does Lexi like, other than being a pill? The rustling of any bag will bring her to her feet and out of the deepest of sleep. Seeing a blanket, pile of clothes or pillows to curl up on definitely appeals to her liking. Sitting by the glass door or car window to watch every movement outside is literally irresistable. Oh and the smell of something brewing in the kitchen is her seventh heaven; almost as good as the wind coming through the car windows, pulling her nose up into the air in all her regalness (Yes, I think I did just make up a word!). The last puppy joy I can think of is chasing anything small that moves...leaves in the wind, squirrels jetting by or little birds floating low. (She is not quite ready for the geese; however that's coming soon, I know.)