Monday, May 25, 2009

Leisure in the South

Do you love where you live? I believe the Lord helps us to learn contentment and teaches us to be grateful in all circumstances. Growing up in California, I loved where I lived, no doubt. In Indiana and Oklahoma, I loved where I lived but it was not on account of the landscape of personality of the state. I enjoyed the environment I spent my time in and the connections I made with people. Here in North Carolina, Brenton and I wake up in the morning and both us say, "We love North Carolina!"

We would probably never have chosen to live in Asheville, unaware of its beauty. But when you are here, there is no way to escape mountian views, sweet tea, southern accents, thunderstorms, and the laid back ways of the south. Just perfect they are, and we wouldn't want them any other way. We often sit on our porch and soak in the beauty, and stunning it is.

I realize that there are both positives and negatives about anything, but the Lord has been gracious to us. He brought us to a place we are overwhelmed by; our perfect mix of the sounds of the city and small mountain town get-aways within minutes. And, well, He has taught us a good deal this year. I believe He has been refining us and we are more simply content. We are grateful and, Jesus, "Thank You".

B's first birthday gift from about a month ago...

1 comment:

About Brandon said...

Sure do wish I could sit on your porch with you sipping sweet tea enjoying conversations my sis and bro in law! Love the lights on your porch also!