Thursday, September 15, 2011

Riley Girl & Her Giggles

Our sweet, sweet girl loves story time.  Everyday she curls up in my lap for a few stories, one of the few times she will stay still.  Her favorite, the touch and feel books.  She gently strokes the sheep's coat and the puppy's fur.  And when we go through animal sounds she always softly copies the elephant's squeal. 

A few nights ago we were reading about Jesus dynig and resurrecting.  When I read to her the part that Jesus was nailed to the cross she let out a short, sarcastic laugh, "Ha".  Brenton and I looked at each other, amazed at her timing and reaction.  If I didn't know better, I'd say she is a bit sacrilegious.  Hopefully, this is no indication of her future when she has the ability to critically think.

And, yes, those giggles now grace us often.  We love the childish joy that radiates from Riley.  It takes so little to make her laugh that the other day I was on the phone with AT&T, and everytime the automated answering service asked a question she laughed.  The automated voice finally sent me to technical services when I called about a billing question.  Oh this gal is so precious!