Sunday, September 21, 2008


1) Hawaii, Alaska, and Asheville, North Carolina are the nations areas with the
highest gas, or so I've been told.

2) Montreat Cavaliers ranked #16 in the nation for NAIA.
(Weekly updates above under "Soccer Updates")

3) Lexi now barks to let us know it is time to go outside, that is if we ignore her
bell ringing!

It has been an exciting and informative week!

1 comment:

momof4dragons said...

Go soccer stud coach, go!! We're thrilled for you. As far as the price of gas goes, think really really really hard before vote in November. Did I ever tell you that Elephants are my favorite animals at the zoo?!? It "Only" cost us $98 to fill up last time at the pump. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I COULD DO WITH $98???? Miss you guys a bunch. Hope the weather is beautiful and fall-like. Claudia--for the Fords