Friday, April 3, 2009

An Oxymoron of Life

How does it seem to be that kids always prove us to be wiser and smarter, while adults can't help but show how little we really know? Well, I tell you that we went to small group this week and our small group leader brought a nine-year old boy he teaches. Anthony seemed quiet enough, playing some form of nintendo, in his baggy jeans and zip-up hoodie. But as soon as dinner ended and our Bible Study began, Anthony proved to be the true intellect of the group...

"So, is that like when my teacher gets me in trouble and sends you letters Jazz?"

"You're saying love had to be choice; that's why Jesus didn't make us love Him. It wouldn't be true love otherwise."

"I think it's scarey that God gives us choice..."

Anthony was rocking our worlds with his great ability to process and apply deep truths to real life application. It was fun to be around a kid, since it's been a while...

...then on our drive home, we stopped at a signal where a gentleman in the car next to us was cleaning his nose out in no appropriate manner. I mean he was going to town, and eating them to boot. Brenton looked at me and asked, "Did that really just happen?!" Not to mention, it didn't stop after the first round. I can't believe adults still eat boogies. Sick, sick, sick!

Sad to say but, apparently, kids ARE often a great deal smarter than adults.

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